Monday, 8 September 2008

UFO - Unidentified Foraging Object.

Can anybody tell me what this unidentified mushroom may be?

I had looked through my book and searched t'internet but have come up with no conclusive identifiation.

Found in forest/woodlands in South east Essex on September 6, 2008.

Habitat: Oak and chestnut trees around. Growing on soil covered with your standard braken and leafmold

Has mottled top side a bit like tiger bread. Underside had a spongey greeny orange colour.

Smells like....erm a mushroom.
I found several of them about twenty metres from a small trickle stream that runs through the woods. They were not anywhere else.

Quite a few of then had bitemarks taken out of them. Not sure if it was the slug or the foxes but I didnt see any foxes climbing trees or white gloved badgers doing big box little box so if anybody can help me I would be most appreciative before I try licking one.

Quite a few of then had bitemarks taken out of them. Not sure if it was the slug or the foxes but I didnt see any foxes climbing trees or any white gloved badgers with a whistle doing big box little box so if anybody can help me I would be most appreciative before I try licking one.


  1. bolet ect does it have gills, ring

  2. bolet or some thing need a little decscription or some thing (better photos)

  3. Thanks for you comments, I have added another picture but I left them undisturbed so they are still over there (Hopefully if they are edible).

    Hope to go and look this weekend and will picture the underside, take more snaps, make a better description and measurements.



Hi from Cazaux's Food Factory,

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