Thursday, 23 October 2008

Good Deed - Seed Saving


I'll never forget watching superman II as a kid and just before the baddies smash to earth stuck in a bit of double glazing there’s two southern cops talking about what they are going to eat.

One says "Beanz, Ah can't eat no Beanz, Come out in a rash if ah eat those beanz".

I must have been seven years old although I can't remember much else about the detail of that film that line will stay with me forever as every time I think of beans, that quote registers in my memory.

Beanz - I love em and have grown lots of beans this year.

In the tradition of seed saving I have dried or am in the process of preserving them for next years growing.

I have three varieties of Runners

Red Rum

Two climbing French beans of unknown name (They were kindly given to me from other plot members so will ask them to verify.

One French Dwarf.

Here’s a picture of some I’ve potted up for storage.

And another drying, I’ve used those sachets of silicon you get with new shoes to help draw out the moisture. They work a treat.

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