Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Fresh snow Rulz

We have had some incredible weather here in Essex over the last few days. I couldn't wait to get out and about in it. You don't see this every day, so we wasn't about to let it go to waste.
Here's a picture of my eldest son who has been with me on many weekends getting this scratch of land usable. Max was really excited to be knee deep in the lovely fresh snow instead of dirt. He was especially happy I was not digging or working on the plot so we could concentrate on the important things like throwing snow at each other, rolling snowballs into huge boulders and leaving them on the paths to melt, in say a June..... he he he - chuckles...

Looks like I'll be on the sidelines for a couple of weeks whilst this lot melts and the soil becomes workable. Hope this dosn't kill the broadbeans, they were the winter "experiment" - under the waterbottles to the left. Surely the garlic, overwintering onions and shallots will be loving this?

I wouldn't want to be at the bottom end when all this begins to melt as they will be flooded for a while.

My plot is right at the top of this amazing landscape, we had great fun with a closely fought snowball fight on the way down and had giggle.

In the winter you dont see the foxes roaming the streets like you do in the summer

They retreat to places like this.

Check out Mr fox halfway up the path.

Sorry, can't say that they are my favourite animal in the world, they turn out your bins and crap on your driveway for ten months of the year. I won't mention the pet rabbit meets hungry fox tragedy of 1999.

As much as they get a bad press from me and so many others, I hope he finds some food and is not too displaced by all the snow so he can live to crap another day.


  1. You old Softie!! Did yo see my Mr. Fox, I was dying to run outside with a nice warm meal for him even tho I knew he would leave a nice stinking pile of something for my dog to roll in!!... not to mention the fleas!! Great pics!! Take Care Tatty X

  2. That is some snow fall, we have had nothing nearly as bad here in the south .The beans are protected under the cloches, like you I am hoping the garlic likes this weather. I know garlic does not like being wet so the snow may hopefully protect it.
    meantime enjoy being a big kid!

  3. I've only just come across your blog, but it made me chuckle so thank you for that!
    I'm a bit worried about my purple sprouting brocolli and cabbages as very little of them can be seen under our snow - I think we've got it a bit deeper here up-northish. We've even had to take the top netting off the fruit cage for the first time ever before the snow wrecked it.
    Have fun - maybe you could make a snow fox?!!!

  4. Thanks as always for your comments ladies. Its thawed out nicely here now but THE RAIN WONT STOP.

    The snowman we built on the plot was still there today but he looked a little saggy around the edges. I concentrated on finishing my little greenhouse and planted some salads, peas and more broadbeans.

    Miss Gnome, always nice to hear from a new fellow farmer. Thanks for commenting, I shall keep tabs with your own blog from now too.

    Kind regards,



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