Thursday, 8 April 2010

Plentiful Peas

Question: How many peas should you plant from a packet?

Answer: All of them, and then some more.

The peas are up. I planted a packet a few weeks back and they are already a few centimetres tall. The variety was douce Provence. Apparently you can overwinter these but I have seen other plot holder’s attempts at overwintering this same variety and this winter must have been too much for them because their crops are patchy and many have black stem so I will stick with spring plantings.

The next week I found another packet of peas so planted those too. This time they were Feltham firsts

The onion sets and shallots I have planted have finally rooted well and are no longer being pecked at by the dirty pigeons.

But the Purple sprouting broccoli I planted several months ago is just putting on serious amounts of leaf growth. It’s annoying me as my plants are far larger than those on other plots around me but theirs are in full swing pumping out the good stuff whilst mine is just taking its time occupying the best soil on the plot.

Other sowings are now pushing though the soil including the radishes (French Breakfast), Salsify, Early Nantes carrots, spinach, baby beets and bolt hardy beats.

In the greenhouse the First bean sowings are standing proud (Triumph de Farcy and Major) both bush varieties. My little Jenson helped put together the Root trainers, fill them with soil and push the seed into the soil and water them in. Amazing how a four year old loves to help daddy. Whilst Max was very helpful to in sweeping the greenhouse floor and tidying up dads mess.

Also in the greenhouse we have Drum cabbage, Calabrese, cauliflower and Savoy all being potted up from their sowings.

Sixty four Swift sweet corn are in the root trainers. A tray of Swiss chard and salads galore.

This weekend promises to be kind, although Mother Nature has a nasty habit of breaking her word but you can live in hope.

1 comment:

  1. Hi you are in full swing by the sound of it!We grew PSB last year,well it was in the ground from the previous year.Like yours we had bushy plants 4 foot high but precious little else, probably 2 dinners worth of sprouts from it.It takes up too much space for too long for very little return as far as we are concerned.
    Weather has changed here to a few sunny days up to the weekend anyway and lots of work to get through.


Hi from Cazaux's Food Factory,

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